

Prices of accomodation

Minimum stay is 2 nights, during school holidays 3 nights and during New Year 5 nights

Rent of whole property

     190 €   . Minimal stay is 2 nights, during school holidays 3 nights.

 Easter price  230€ , minimum stay is 3 nights

NewYear'Eve  300 Eurs, minimum stay 5 nights

 Other forms of accommodation on request (renting Chalet Beskyd and cottage Slivka separately)

price on agreement ...........€

     OFFER !!!!!- pay for 3 nights and stay fourth night for free or pay 5 nights and stay sixth and seventh night for free (offer not valid during school holidays). For stays which include school holidays pay 6 nights a stay seventh night for free!!!

Chalet Beskyd

Main building on the ranch. There are corridor with storage space, living room with kitchen area and 2 bathrooms with toilet and shower on the ground floor. There are also bunk bed and convertible sofa here. There are two impassable room (4 + 4 beds) and one interconnecting room (3 beds) on the first floor (attic)

Situation of ground floor of Chalet Beskyd

Situation of attic of chalet Beskyd

.............and some photos of chalet Beskyd .............

Cabin Slivka 

Smaller cabin  is above chalet Beskyd. Part of this cabin is also bath tub where water is heated by wood. There is one bunk bed and one convertible armchair in the cabin. Part of the cabin is also bathroom with toilet and shower.

Situation of cabin Slivka

.............and some shots of Slivka.............